A wet, particularly dreary Wednesday morning; Mrs Lee pulled on that favourite green, felt cloche hat, protecting each recently coloured hair. Driving to work in horrid drizzle changed her mood considerably, so up went the volume, number seventeen - deafening, as our singing Teaching Assistant screamed, nay, hollered out songs from Jim Jones Revue latest CD, 'Savage Heart'. Well, what else could Lisa do?
"Chase away these blues with Dirty-Punk-Jazz!"
"I've got gravel being delivered today too..." thought little Lizzie, "Nigel shall be busy!"
Parking behind Assistant Deputy Headteacher, Mr Bradley's black, tatty Volkswagen proved quite tricky.
"I cannot shift gear! Grr, Carpel Tunnel hurts!"
"Oh my goodness!"
Mark cried, everybody else just stood, open-mouthed. His clownish car collapsed, smoke billowing upwards, blackening everything.
©Lisa Lee 2015