Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Dear Me...

Look at you, with your long black hair,
 White streak down the right hand side.
Your kohl lined eyes matching your black lips and rosary beads,
 Anything that helps you to hide.

I’m smiling as I see you, in your blue lace petticoat,
 Your 16 hole Doctor Martin boots.
A pirate on the good ship ‘Adolescence’.
 With your gang of 4 recruits.

I guess right now you’re missing Rob still.
 I can remember the pain of the split.
But there’s a boy at college who fancies you,
 And he has his own bed-sit…

I see you at The White Hart Inn,
 Working the bar, a favourite with the men.
Open your eyes more. Notice the attention.
 Make eye contact now and then!

Oh, and remember John, with the red hair,
 Who you went out with last year?
He’ll take you skating and he’ll want to talk,
 Listen, for Christ’s sake listen. He won’t always be here.

Finally, I feel I should tell you
 That what your mother said,
About roll-ups and Guinness not being for a lady,
 Drinking alone seeming unseemly,
Speaking your mind as being foolhardy
 And dressing just so as being untidy…
Well, all I can say is you’re a long time dead!

You’re doing just fine,
 So do what you do.
Live a little more,
 Love from you xxx