Thursday, 19 March 2015

Trees That Bow Low

Once upon a time, in a Norwegian wood,     
There lived a kind woodsman,
Both loyal and good.
He lived with his wife who bore him a child
Then another, a boy,
Unruly and wild.

The Winter’s were cruel,
No food to be found.
What little there was
Lay under the ground.
The woodsman despaired,
His wife became weak.
They drifted apart
And seldom would speak.

The children seemed happy, content in their play.
The boy schemed a scheme and
The girl would obey.
They gathered up clothes and food they could steal,
Oats, bread and honey,
Enough for one meal.

They entered the wood,
The trees bowed down low
Showing the children
Which way to go.
The animals hid,
Not wanting to see
The Devil’s own son
Reach his destiny.

The morning arrived, bringing pain and despair,
For the wife checked their beds,
The children weren’t there!
The woodsman, distraught, took his axe and said,
“Wife, do as you’re told
And stay under the bed.”

For he knew the signs,
Of the Devils game.
His son, his own boy,
Was just not the same.
He’d known it for years,
It pained him to say,
But he knew the game
Would be ended this day.

Entering the wood, axe slung over his shoulder,
He furiously paced,
Grabbing a boulder.
Then with stealth, grace and a view through the trees
He launched his missile
With impossible ease.

Again the trees bowed,
Obscuring the view.
The boulder was lost.
Now on to phase two.
With his axe in hand
He cut through the wood,
His children watching.
One Evil, one Good.

The small boy, with a smile, stood, knife at the throat
Of his sister beside him
Who’s eyes looked remote.
With both menace and calm the deed was then done.
The woodsman’s two children
Became only one.

The little girl fell,
Her father yelled, “No!”
The boy licked his knife
With relish and so
The sacrifice done,
Pure blood in his vein
The boy stood trembling.
The trees bowed again.

The boy stood, transformed and still covered in blood
From his sisters throat
Who was pure and good.
Too good, it would seem, for the Devil’s own son,
As Evil struggled but
It was Good that had won.

Now cradled and safe,
Sister and brother
Were transported home
To the arms of their mother.
The Evil now Good,
The dead now alive.
Winter now ended,
The family thrived.

And what of the Devil, who possessed the son?
He left them alone,
And went on the run.
But where he is now, you can’t possibly know,
Just please watch your sons,
And trees that bow low.

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